49.6% web users in India attacked by local malware: Report

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013 | 21.43

PUNE: Kaspersky Lab recently published its second quarter report, Kaspersky Security Bulletin, for April-June 2013, devoted to website threats, local threats, malicious and spam evolution during the second quarter of 2013.

The report said that Kaspersky Lab products detected 1.99 crore internet-borne malware incidents on the computers of Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) participants in India. Overall, 35.6% of users were attacked by web-borne threats during this period. This places India in the 15th place worldwide when it comes to the dangers associated with surfing the web.

The statistics in the report (except for spam) are based on completely anonymous data obtained from Kaspersky Lab products installed on users' computers in India and was acquired with the full consent of the users involved.

In addition, Kaspersky Lab products detected 5.39 crore local malware incidents on the computers of KSN participants in India. Overall, 49.6% of users in this country were attacked by local threats during this period. This puts India in the 10th place worldwide.

The share of malicious incidents caused by malware hosted in India was 0.10% - that is 5.43 lakh incidents. This puts India in 39th place worldwide. The share of spam sent via computers and servers based in India was 2.52%, which puts India in the 10th place worldwide.

Methods such as exploiting vulnerabilities in browsers and their plugins (drive-by download) and social engineering were used most often by cybercriminals to penetrate systems, the report said.

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49.6% web users in India attacked by local malware: Report

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