iPhone bookings in China cross 100,000 units

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 17 September 2013 | 21.43

NEW DELHI: Apple has crossed 100,000 iPhone bookings with China's second largest wireless carrier China Unicom.

As per a report posted by the telecom operator on the microblogging site Weibo, advance bookings for iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C crossed 100,000 units as iPhones are slated to go on sale from September 20. Under this scheme, those who book an iPhone online are not required to make any payment at the time. They can collect the device and make full payment when the new iPhones hit the stores in China on September 20.

Although Apple's market share in China has nearly halved over the last quarter, the iPhone maker aims to regain its hold in the world's largest mobile phone market by slashing the prices of the new iPhones in association with China Unicom and other telecom carriers lik China Telecom in comparison to older models. As per tech analyst Eva Yip, a China Telecom monthly plan costing 289 yuan ($47) for the iPhone 5S carries a subsidy of 2,890 yuan, 15% less than the 3,400 yuan for the iPhone 5 on the same plan.

This is the first time that Apple is launching iPhones on the same day in China as well as US. While iPhone 5C is available for pre-orders in various countries, Apple has started taking bookings for iPhone 5S only in China.

Though there has been no official confirmation over the pricing of the iPhones in China, the new moves are being seen as something that may turn the tide in favour of Apple in the market.

It is, however, not sure if Apple and China Mobile, which has 700 million customers, will strike a deal by the time the new iPhones arrive in the country on September 20.

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iPhone bookings in China cross 100,000 units

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