Samsung to take Tizen OS beyond smartphones

Written By Unknown on Senin, 16 September 2013 | 21.43

NEW DELHI: Samsung is known to be working towards launching its new range of smartphones runing on its own Tizen operating system. Now, it appears the Korean electronics giant will port almost all its consumer electronics products with the home-grown OS.
As per latest media reports, while Samsung plans to launch Tizen-powered smartphones by the fourth quarter of 2013, the company also has plans to launch a Smart TV running on the OS by early next year, followed by other products.

According to an interview given by Samsung co-CEO, Boo Keun Yoon to the German publication Die Welt, the company is planning to introduce TVs and other devices running Tizen OS as early as 2014.

Yoon reportedly stated that the company aims to create an ecosystem by which all their devices would be connected to each other via Tizen.

The decision comes in the wake of Samsung's alleged differences with Google and its efforts to create an alternative in lieu of Google's Android OS that runs most of Samsung's devices currently, including the Galaxy smartphones. But before it takes Tizen to the next level, Samsung wants to gauge the market mood by releasing its Tizen-run smartphones.

Samsung, despite being a hardware manufacturer, is trying hard to create an atmosphere in which all its gadgets that currently run on Google eco-system to run on Tizen instead.

Most of the world's smartphones, tablets and various computers today run Google's ecosystem. It remains to be seen if Samsung can achieve the same feat with Tizen.

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Samsung to take Tizen OS beyond smartphones

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